Shot In Bombay is directed by acclaimed American documentary film maker Liz Mermin. Filmed over six months in Mumbai, Shot in Bombay is a unique look at a Bollywood film from production to release and captures all the chaos and behind the scenes drama of Bollywood film, Shootout at Lokhandwala.Apoorva Lakhia has been hailed as one of Bollywood's most promising young directors, yet his first two films bombed at the box office. Now the stakes are high for his third film, a star-studded take on a true life story of a violent police shootout. But Lakhia has a few problems, not least the fact that his biggest star might be imprisoned for illegal firearm possession. In fact, superstar Sanjay Dutt's trial has been running well over a decade, making it the longest running in India's history.

As this engrossing documentary shows, in its story lies a remarkable tale of the influx of gangsters to Bollywood, which throws up many parallels to the film being made.

Shot in Bombay is released 18th January.