“Seraphim Falls,” an Icon Production, is a taut psychological action film, an epic chase and primal battle set in the breathtaking landscape of the West. The civil war has ended but Colonel Morsman Carver (Liam Neeson) is on one final mission: to kill Gideon (Pierce Brosnan) no matter what it takes. Launched by a gunshot and propelled by rage, the relentless pursuit takes them both far from the comforts and codes of civilization, into the bloodiest recesses of their own souls. Starring Academy Award® nominee Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan, “Seraphim Falls,” is directed by David Von Ancken from the screenplay he wrote with Abby Everett Jaques. The film is produced by Bruce Davey and David Flynn, and executive produced by Stan Wlodkowski, and Academy Award® winning cinematographer John Toll, ASC (“Braveheart,” “Legends of the Fall,” “The Thin Red Line”) is the director of photography. Co-starring are Anjelica Huston, Michael Wincott, Ed Lauter, Robert Baker and John Robinson.

Released 24th August 2007

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