Working with Matthew was an experience and we both learned a lot from each other during the filming.
- There are a lot of soldiers heading back home after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, so what sort of problems are they facing when they get home?

Every soldier handles things differently, but the main sense, once the welcome home drinks and doing the things you dreamed of while sitting in the desert somewhere is over, is anti climax and disappointment.

It's a bit like Christmas - it is hyped up, but within most families there are arguments, disappointments and disputes which can get out of hand, beyond normal days.
- How much support is there out there for veterans and what needs to be done to improve that quality of care?

There can never be enough, but I think it’s actually impossible to provide everything all the time. The veterans’ association has massively improved over the recent years and people can get help now.

The majority of the public are certainly supportive of our servicemen and women now, but how long will that last?

Help For Heroes has done a fantastic job, but my worry is that the money they are raising and using will take away funding from the service’s benevolent funds, regimental charities and the British Legion, who really are the people for endurance support.

Employment is one of the best supports - we need to keep the good ex-servicemen in work. The government needs to look at this, along with the emergency services. Even jobs like community police should, or could, be a step into society for ex-servicemen.
 - Was there any particular message that you wanted this movie to convey?
I started off with Matthew trying to be more accurate, bringing home the PTSD in more detail, but I don’t think the film achieved that really.

I suppose the message is that war fucks certain people up and to take a look around at your sons, daughters, husbands and wives and if they behaving differently, there is good reason to believe they need help.

- What did you think of the film when you saw it - does it achieve everything that you set out to achieve?

I have not seen the final finished film yet. I saw an edited version towards the end and I sent it back with a load of notes.

Emma, the editor, and I sat down and discussed it and she spent a couple of weeks on it, then I reviewed it and I think it is as realistic as possible. The shoot-out scenes are good and probably better than anything I have seen in film.
- Finally, what’s next for you?

I am half way through another script which will be military based, but I am doing it in such a way that I can address things in a more palatable way for the public; it will make you cry, laugh and feel sad.

I am already getting interest from some US producers on the next one which is exciting. In the meantime I carry on with my day job.

The Veteran is released on Blu-ray and DVD 29th August

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