In Columbia Pictures' new drama Reign Over Me, former college roomates Charlie Fineman (Adam Sandler) and Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle) meet up again by chance on a Manhattan street corner. Five years after losing his family on 9/11, Charlie once a successful dentist has retreated from his life, and Alan is stunned to see the changes in his formerly gregarious friend. At the same time, Alan who should be enjoying his beautiful wife, children and career is overwhelmed by his responsibilities. Their rekindled relationship becomes a lifeline for the two men, who are both in need of a trusted friend at this pivotal moment in their lives. Reign Over Me was written and directed by Mike Binder (The Upside of Anger). Columbia Pictures presents, in association with Relativity Media, a Madison 23/Sunlight production, Reign Over Me. The film stars Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle, Jada Pinkett Smith, Liv Tyler, Saffron Burrows, Donald Sutherland, and Mike Binder. Written and Directed by Mike Binder, the film is produced by Jack Binder and Michael Rotenberg. Executive producers are Jack Giarraputo and Lynwood Spinks. Director of photography is Russ Alsobrook, ASC. Production designer is Pipo Wintter. Editors are Steve Edwards and Jeremy Roush. Costume designer is Deborah L. Scott. Music is by Rolfe Kent. Music supervision is by Dave Jordan. Reign Over Me