Namastey London tells the story of a girl named Jasmeet, alias Jazz (Katrina Kaif), who has been born and bred in the heart of London and is very much part of the young British Asian Generation with slightly frayed traditional roots. Her father Manmohan (Rishi Kapoor) tries and fails many a time to provide Jazz with a respectable Indian suitor as she would rather marry her Caucasian boss, Charlie Brown (Clive Standon). Developments take form when Jazz’s father calls her with an idea to whisk his entire family off to India, mid proposal from Charlie, in the hope to take his family ‘back to their roots’ and more importantly find a good Indian husband for his Jasmine. After a series of bad encounters with the best males India had to offer, Manmohan finally turns to his best friend’s son Arjun (Akshay Kumar), who in his eyes is the ideal soul mate for Jazz, and gets them married. On their return to London, Jazz tells Arjun and her family his love is unrequited, leaving Arjun distraught to then learn that Jazz is still in love with her boss and has agreed to his marriage proposal.Torn between his love for Jazz and his self-respect, he decides to stay in London for Jazz’s marriage to Charlie, buying himself valuable time in order to try and win back his wife.

However, whilst living in a strange land amongst strange people, does Arjun succeed in convincing Jazz she belongs with him?Namastey London