"Lars and the Real Girl" is a sweet, slightly off-centre comedy following timid Lars Lindstrom (Ryan Gosling), a lovable introvert living in a garage apartment next to his older brother, Gus (Paul Schneider), and sister-in-law Karen (Emily Mortimer). Lars is sleep-walking through life until a new friend comes to visit. Bianca is a stunning, half-Brazilian, half-Danish religious missionary. The trouble is that Bianca isn't a real girl at all, but an inanimate replacement, a lifeless replica of a woman ordered online from a company called Real Girl. Everyone knows why a man orders a doll like Bianca, but to Lars, who actually believes she is a living human being, she becomes a source of emotional support. Taking the advice of the local psychologist (Patricia Clarkson), his family reluctantly agrees to play along with Lars' delusion, as he begins to deal with his personal problems. Starring: Nancy Oliver Ryan Gosling Emily Mortimer Paul Schneider Kelli Garner Patricia Clarkson

Lars and the Real Girl is released 21st March

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