Klown follows two wildly inappropriate friends - played by celebrated international comedians Frank Hvam and Casper Christensen - as they run amok through the Danish countryside plowing through endless awkward confrontations and unspeakable debaucheries.
Hopelessly wrongheaded Frank 'kidnaps' the 12-year-old nephew of his pregnant girlfriend in an eager attempt to prove his fatherhood potential to join sex-crazed Casper on his secret adulterous weekend canoe trip.
From exclusive brothels, hospitalizations, armed robberies and even prison, the three paddle downstream from one chaotic misadventure to the next culminating to a surprise sentimental portrait of friendship and a final shocking reveal that you won’t soon unsee.
Starring: Frank Hvam, Casper Christensen, Marcuz Jess Petersen, Mia Lyhne, Iben Hjejle