In fact if you turn off the picture on your television when you are watching Cheers it even works as a radio show it's that well written, try it.
- Away from acting you have set up the Nuts, Bolts and Thingamajigs Foundation so can you tell me a little bit about that?
I did that in response to a crisis that seems to be looming, not just for America but for the entire Western civilisation, is that we are running out of people who can build things, mend things, fix things.
The average age of a skilled worker, here and the United States, is about fifty six years old so in six to ten years when they retire it's going to be very difficult to find a plumber or a welder.
How many young people do you know in your life, or the lives of anyone you work with, that knows how to use tools? Thirty years ago every kid knew how to use tools but now, because of computer games etc, now none of the kids can't use tools, most of them can't even read a ruler or measure something.
And this is the work force of the future and there isn't one so in answer to that crisis I established this foundation and we fund camps and give scholarships to kids who have an interest in that.
Not everybody wants or needs to go university and we have forgotten those kids and these kids are actually more important because they build the universities, they maintain it.
- So what was it that triggered this interest?
I think the lives of my children and my grand children. Six to ten years, if no one does anything about this, we will basically, and I'm talking about England as well, will become a third world country.
People think that that is impossible but if, for example, the water system failed and there's nobody there to fix it, you have to be highly skilled to put brake pads on a car, weld a piece of metal or build a house and we are literally running out of these people and no one is doing anything about it.
- Finally back to acting what's next for you?
For me? Lets see I'm doing some recording as soon as I get back on another project and then I start filming a second project the Saturday after I return.
Up is available on Disney Blu-ray, Disney DVD and Disney Combi pack, from 15th February
FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw.