Attack of the Killer Tomatoes and Suspiria are just two of the films that are set to get a twenty first century remake according to reports in the last week.This adds to the already announced Escape From New York, Akira and Last House on the Left which are all expected to reach cinemas by 2009, Michael bay is also rumoured to be in talks to revamp Rosemary's Baby.Just what has happened to all the original scripts?It seems that Hollywood is not only content to let the big screen become littered with seventies and eighties knock offs it doesn't seem to mind the poor quality of these movies, that are supposed to be bringing these classic movies to a new generation, either.2007 was just the same when the paying cinema going public were treated to The Fog, Halloween and The Omen, all of which did poorly critically and commercially selling out the original concept and ripping off the money paying movie fans.They should spent their hard earned cash on renting the original instead!

It seems, as with the sequels issue, Hollywood studios are desperately trying to make quick and easy money and it is the public that are losing out.

Over the last couple of years it has often been remarked upon how cinema attendances have been dwindling, and when they only have the opportunity to watch a poor man's version of a classic is it really any wonder that they save their money and stay away?

It's surprising then that movies such as There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men have done so little business at the box office.

The Oscar's Best Picture category, which also included Atonement, Michael Clayton and Juno, as well as non nominated picture like Eastern Promises and Into the Wild were some of the best movies of last year all of them fresh and new.

However the low gross of the Oscar nominated movies did lead to some saying that the Oscars has become distanced from what has been successful at the box office and that nominations should follow, to a certain degree, public popularity.

But do we really want to see these remakes mixing it will top quality movies that deserve to be recognised?

However not all remakes have been a complete disaster as Ocean's Eleven was arguably better than the original and 2007's 3.10 to Yuma, starring Christian Bale and Russell Crowe, was one of the best movies of last year.

But it appears that this trend is not going to disappear with more and more films being given the modern day movie making seal.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw