The life of a hardworking man known only as Farmer (Statham) is changed forever when a marauding band of Krug, animalistic brutes in the thrall of an evil sorcerer, thunders down upon the unsuspecting village of Stonebridge killing his son and kidnapping his wife Solana.Galvanised by his grief the once peace loving peasant leads his mentor Norick (Pearlman) and brother in law Bastion in pursuit of the Krug army to free Solana.As the Krug overrun the countryside the King's magus Merick discovers the true sorce of the power: his old rival Gallion (Liotta), a formiddable and power hungry wizard.Gallion plans to use his hellish malitia to overthrow King Konreid and place his sniveling pawn Duke Fallow on the throne.While the King's forces ride forth to engage the bloodthirsty Krug, Farmer and his companions slip unseen through the treacherous mountain passes of Ehb into uncharted territory.A daring night time raid on a Krug encampment turns tragic when Norick and Bastion are captured and Farmer barely escapes with his life.

Desperate to find his wife and friends Farmer joins the royal army in an epic battle. His extraordinary heroics catch the attention of both Gallion and Merick, who suspect there is more to the simple country squire than meets the eye.

In a final confrontation that will determine the fate of Ehb ot's up to Farmer to claim his birthright and defeat Gallion, or allow the evil wizard to take control of the land.

Starring : Jason Statham, Claire Forlani, Ray Liotta, Burt Reynolds, John Rhys Davis, Ron Pearlman, Leelee Sobieski and Matthew Lillard.

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