Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan

Director: Christopher Nolan

Age: 40

Movie: Inception

Synopsis: Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a skilled thief, the absolute best in the dangerous art of extraction, stealing valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during the dream state, when the mind is at its most vulnerable.

Cobb’s rare ability has made him a coveted player in this treacherous new world of corporate espionage, but, it has also made him an international fugitive and cost him everything he has ever loved.

Now Cobb is being offered a chance at redemption. One last job could give him his life back but only if he can accomplish the impossible...inception.

Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one.

If they succeed, it could be the perfect crime. But, no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy that seems to predict their every move.

Previous Golden Globe Wins: Nolan has no previous Golden Globe wins.

Previous Golden Globe Nominations: He has one previous nomination for Best Screenplay for Memento.

Awards For Movie: he has already been nominated for Best Director at the Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards, Satellite Awards and the Washington D.C. Area Film Critics Association. 

Critics: “A marvellous, highly enjoyable film that continues Nolan's climb toward the very top of the list of the best filmmakers working today.” - The Trend

“Nolan clearly has great fun with the action stuff - zero gravity fights in a hotel corridor, an assault on an artic fortress and a car chase through a dreamed city are all cracking - and it all looks as spectacular as you'd hope.” - Uncut Magazine

“Nolan is a director who is unafraid to use complex narrative and plot as he tests and asks questions of the audience.

Inception is a maze from the off as Nolan adds layer upon layer to the story as the audience takes a trip into a dream world and an exploration of the subconscious.”

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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