Starring: Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis, Woody Harrelson, Patricia Clarkson
Director: Will Gluck
Rating: 3/5
Isn’t it always annoying when someone else comes up with same idea as you. It’s even worse when they get it out there before you do too. That’s exactly how the makers of Friends With Benefits must have felt when they saw No Strings Attached earlier this year. But, while late to the party, can it beat its fiercest rival?
Friends With Benefits sees us dip into the lives of Dylan and Jamie (Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis), two young, hip, attractive twentysomethings (where have you heard this before) who decide one night to start mixing a little bit extra ingredient into their friendship.
But while both decide to not let emotions get in the way of some, ahem, adult situations, those pesky emotions start raising their little heads again.
Yes, you’re absolutely right; it’s nearly exactly the same plot as No Strings Attached. But, here’s the twist, now they can swear and be sexual. And it helps, a lot. Just that little bit more spice makes this whole thing a lot more believable.
The script goes a lot of the way towards that. The dialogue is pithy, ditty, fast and above all, funny. The film is also hugely self aware, making no qualms about ridiculing Katherine Heigl and soppy romantic comedies and pointing out their worst features for all to see.
The trouble is though, that while it happily spoofs and ridicules all of the tired rom-com stereotypes we’ve all come to know, it will then do exactly the same thing.
Going to lots of famous landmarks? Check. Kooky parents? Check. Unfortunate miscommunication? Check. Big romantic gesture at the films end. You bet.
So while Friends With Benefits is charming when it’s being rude and lewd, the lack of any real conviction mars what could have been a nicely timed swipe at the dull rom-coms that clog up bargain bins up and down the land. Overall though, it easily outstrips the majority of its type out there.
All of this held up by a more than capable cast. Justin Timberlake is fast becoming a really good actor, and he and Mila Kunis have a really good chemistry on screen.
With back up from the always brilliant Woody Harrelson, Patricia Clarkson and Richard Jenkins, they are more than up to the task and easily outshine the competitions frankly dull cast.
While not a patch on Gluck’s fantastic Easy A, Friends With Benefits effortlessly wins its own private fight with No Strings Attached.
Friends With Benefits is out September 9th
FemaleFirst Cameron Smith
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