Free Jimmy follows the story of four low life anti-heroes Roy Arnie (Woody Harrelson), Odd (Simon Pegg), Gaz (Phil Daniels) and Flea (Jay Simpson), who are uprooted from their mean city streets to work with Ringmaster Stromowski (Jim Broadbent) in a touring Russion circus in terminal decline.

The star attraction is Jimmy, an elephant kept ‘happy’ on a cocktail of drugs. But Roy Arnie has a dream that one day he will run his own circus and he tells the boys that the key to his dream is Jimmy.

On the opening night a bungled attempt to give Jimmy his ‘fix’ causes widespread panic. Jimmy escapes and so begins a madcap cross country road trip to find Jimmy before he goes cold turkey.

Starring: Simon Pegg, Woody harrelosn, Phil Daniels, Jay Simpson, Samantha Morton, Kyle MacLachlan, Emilia Fox,

Free Jimmy is released 17th October