David Cronenberg's new picture follows the mysterious yet ruthless Nikolai (Viggo Mortensen) is a driver for one of London's most nortorious organised crime families. The family itself is part of the Vory V Zakone criminal brotherhood. Headed by Semyon (Academy Award nominee Armin Mueller-Stahl). The family own a resturant to hide their brutal core. But their fortune is being pushed to the limit by Semyon's violent son Kirill (vincent Cassel).His carefully maintained existence is put in jepordy when he meets midwife Anna (Naomi Watts) who is searching for the identity and family of a young girl who died during child birth on Christmas Eve, by using a diary that survives her.By delving into the diary she unleashes the full fury of the Vory. Her search leads her to an underground sex trafficing business run by London's Russian crime community.
With Symon and Kirill closing in on Anna Nilolai finds his loyalties divided setting into motion a harrowing chain of events including murder, deceit and retribution.
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