Eagle vs. Shark, directed by Academy Award-nominee Taika Waititi (the short,Two Cars One Night), is a wry comedy that chronicles the quirky romance of two awkward misfits, Lily (Loren Horsley), a shy fast-food restaurant cashier, and her crush, Jarrod (Jemaine Clement) an electronic store clerk.On the day Lily gets fired from her job at Meaty Boy, she musters up the courage to attend Jarrod's annual "come as your favorite animal" costume party. The dressy affair sparks the beginnings of a romance as well a small journey for the pair to Jarrod's quiet hometown. Here Jarrod plans to seek revenge on an old nemesis and where Lily unwittingly finds herself stranded amongst Jarrod's family of eccentrics.
Starring Jermaine Clement, Loren Horsley and Jackie van Beek.The film hales from New Zealand and we funded by the New Zealand Film Commission.
The film got its world premiere at the Sindance Film Festival in the World Cinema Dramatic section. Eagle vs Shark is released 17 August