

Based on The King Piccolo Saga Dragonball, also known as the Piccolo Daimaoh Saga - Demon Lord Piccolo Saga, is the penultimate saga from the anime Dragon Ball.

Goku (Justin Chatwin) goes on a journey to find Master Roshi (Chow Yun-Fat) and gather the seven mystical Dragon Balls before the evil Lord Piccolo (James Marsters) can.

Along his way, he meets Bulma (Emmy Rossum) who then joins him to help him in his mission. When arriving at Roshi's place, he is not welcomed with embrace but he has to fight Roshi.

Roshi soon learns that Goku is the grandson of Gohan (Randall Duk Kim) and thus trains him to prepare him for the ultimate battle with Lord Piccolo to prevent him from collecting the powerful Dragon Balls.

Starring: Justin Chatwin, James Marsters, Jamie Chung, Emmy Rossum, Chow Yun-Fat.

Dragonball is released 8th April 2009.