Based on the classic novel by Oscar Wilde, Dorian Gray tells the story of a strikingly beautiful young man named Dorian (Ben Barnes - The Chronicels of Narnia).
He arrives in Victorian London and is swept into a social whirlwind by the charismatic Henry Wotton (Colin Firth - Mamma Mia), who introduces Dorian to the hedonistic pleasures of the city.
When a portrait of Dorian is unveiled, such is its beauty that he makes a pledge: he would give anything to stay as he is in the picture - even his soul.
Dorian Gray examines the destructive power of beauty, the blind pursuit of pleasure and the darkness that can result.
Starring: Ben Barnes, Colin Firth, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Rebecca Hall, Ben Chaplin, Emilia Fox.
Dorian Gray is released 9th Semptember.