Jealousy is one thing. Domestic abuse is another. But hiring a gang of thugs to throw lye in the face of your 21-year-old girlfriend, causing the permanent loss of her vision and her hair, because she found out about your secret wife and daughter, and quite reasonably left you...?

That requires a whole new classification. The story of Burt Pugach and Linda Riss doesn't quite end there, however.

Throughout his arrest, trial and incarceration, Burt never stopped begging Linda to take him back - and when he finally got out sixteen years later, she relented.

And they wed. And stayed wed, even when he was arrested for attacking another woman. How does this relationship work? Let the intriguing Pugaches explain, in their own words.

Starring: Jimmy Breslin, Linda Pugach, Burt Pugach

Crazy Love is released 18th July