

Based on Neil Gaiman's international best-selling book, "Coraline" is the story of a young girl (voiced by Fanning) who unlocks a mysterious door in her new home, and enters into an adventure in a parallel reality.

On the surface, this other world eerily mimics her own life - though much more fantastical.

In it, Coraline encounters such off-kilter inhabitants as the morbidly funny Miss Forcible and Miss Spink (French and Ms. Saunders, respectively), and a counterfeit mother (Hatcher) - who attempts to keep her.

Ultimately, Coraline must count on her resourcefulness, determination, and bravery to get back home.

Voices: Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher, Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Ian McShane

Coraline is released 8th May 2009

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