Adapted from the novel by Michael Downing, "Breakfast with Scot" is a touching comedy that tells the story of a very 'straight' gay couple, Eric (Tom Cavanagh), an ex-NHL hockey player-turned-sportscaster and Sam (Ben Shenkman), a lawyer, who end up with temporary custody of recently orphaned Scot, (Noah Bernett), a budding queen of an 11 year old.
Tom Cavanagh stars as Eric, a handsome ex-hockey player turned sportscaster, who is living the perfect gay life at home with his lawyer boyfriend.
However, their closely-closeted paradise is threatened when they receive news that Sam's brother Billy's (Colin Cunningham) ex-girlfriend has died, leaving custody of her son Scot (Noah Bernett) to Billy.
Ed never wanted kids, and certainly never expected one like this. When 11 year-old Scot arrives and they open his duffle bag, they find a pink musical hairbrush, a pink poodle belt and white sock-ettes with lacy fringe at the top.
Scot throws Ed and Sam's life into complete disarray, but they soon find that they can't bear to part with him.
"Breakfast With Scot" contrasts the realities of family life against its funniest stereotypes and uncovers how it feels to be a boy who doesn't quite fit into the role society has prepared for him.
Starring: Tom Cavanagh, Ben Shenkman, Noah Bernett, Colin Cunningham