So our countdown of the ten best movies of 2010 is underway and today sees us cast an eye over the movie that is at number nine… and that is Matthew Vaughn’s Kick Ass.
There was a huge amount of hype surrounding this movie, hype that was entirely justified as well as a touch of controversy as Vaughn brought together a stellar cast of Mark Strong, Nicolas Cage and Christopher Mint Plasse as well providing a springboard for Aaron Johnson and Chloe Moretz.
And yes there may have been some moaning minis about the language that came out of the mouth of Moretz but this was really a fine piece of filmmaking - it’s movie you really should catch if you haven’t already.
"How come nobody's ever tried to be a superhero?" When Dave Lizewski - ordinary New York teenager and rabid comic-book geek - becomes the no nonsense vigilante Kick-Ass, he soon finds an answer to his own question: because it hurts.
Overcoming all odds, though, Kick-Ass quickly becomes a phenomenon - only to be reminded that he's not the only superhero out there. As Kick-Ass gets drawn into this no-holds barred world, the stage is set for a final showdown between the forces of good and evil.
Vaughn really has delivered a top quality comic book movie that's like nothing that we have ever seen before.
The movie just brims with originality and flair as Goldman and Vaughn have produced a very smart and funny script that delivers plenty of laughs.
But what is great about Kick Ass is its lack of gimmicky special effects that so many of the blockbuster movies have come to depend on, making it a blast of fresh air.
Also the mix of established and unknown talent really works well as Aaron Johnson turns in a great performance as the masked crusader Kick Ass, who is tired of people standing idly by while others are in trouble.
The established talent comes in the form of Nicolas Cage and Mark Strong who both turn in excellent, yet restrained, performances as they don't overshadow their younger and less experienced co-stars,
Now the movie may be called Kick Ass but, without a shadow of a doubt, the film belongs to the pocket sized killing machine that is Hit Girl.
Yes Chloe Moretz buts in an outstanding turn as foul mouthed, lethal vigilante, swearing and all, to really steal the show.
It's the young actress that gets the major actions sequences and they are really something to behold as she kicks the crap out of just about everybody.
The movie is dripping in black humour as it pokes fun at the comic book movie genre and the expectations we have come to have of those movies.
The action does dip a little in places, which is a real shame, but on the whole Vaughn has directed with originality and flair which makes Kick Ass one of the standout movies in its genre.
I personally cannot wait for the sequel - which is already in the pipeline.
FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw
Tagged in Matthew Vaughn Kick Ass