Jason and the Argonauts
Today sees the release of Channing Tatum's movie Fighting, which follows a young counterfeiter is introduced to the world of underground street fighting by a seasoned scam artist, who becomes his manager on the bare-knuckling brawling circuit.
So to celebrate the release of the film we take a look at some of the best movie fight scenes to ever grace the big screen.
- Neo vs Agent Smith - The Matrix
You can't really look at best movie fights without looking at one from The Matrix and it's the clash between Neo and Agent Smith that has made the list.
The not living in the real world aspect of the movie makes the fight so much more exciting as Neo and Agent Smith do impressive flips and walk on walls that makes it so much more interesting.
The Matrix was one of the most successful movies back in 1999, yes it was ten years ago, and although Neo almost dies during the fight he manages to find that extra ounce of strength to come out the victor.
- Rocky Balboa vs Apollo Creed
After getting all colours of crap beaten out of him in the first Rocky movie by Apollo Creed American's greatest underdog was back in the ring for another go.
Clearly a glutton for punishment as Rocky sets his sights on the heavy weight champ title.
Despite being thirty years old, yes it really was that long ago, Rocky, and this fight in particular remains one of the best in this genre of film.
- Inigo Montoya’s vs Man in Black - The Princess Bride
Everyone remember the fight between Inigo Montoya and Man in Black back in 1987 for it's quotablility:
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
Yes it was quite possibly the chattiest fight scene of all time as the pair admire each other's skill with a sword.
And even when the fight is over the still hold each other in the highest regard, we should have more gentlemanly behaviour during fighting!
- Yu Shu Lien vs Jen Yu in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon produced some great fight scenes throughout the whole movie, and went on to influence the likes of Hero and House of Flying Daggers.
But it's the fight between Yu Shu Lien and Jen Yu that has made out little list. They switch off between swords, axes, and karate bazookas as they take the fight to each other.
- Indiana Jones vs Arabian Swordsman - Raiders of the Lost Ark
Here's how to win a fight in one easy step. This swordsman must have thought his victory was going to be very convincing as it appeared Indy was unarmed.
And while his waving around of the sword was impressive it wasn't a fight that lasted long as Indy merely shot him dead... what a guy!
- Mark Darcy vs Daniel Clever - Bridget Jones' Diary
You may have noticed that most of the fight scenes above contain some major skill, whether that be martial arts of sword fighting, but this final best fight is just two blokes having a scrap.
Mark Darcy and Daniel Clever, that's Colin Firth and Hugh Grant to you and me, take on each other, over a woman of course, in Bridget Jones' Diary.
And while it may not be technically brilliant like some of the above providing barrels of laughs and set to a great record of It's Raining Men this is a must see!
- Jason and the Argonauts vs. skeletons - Jason and the Argonauts
Looking back on Jason and the Argonauts is seen as a masterpiece, particularly from a technical perspective.
Ray Harryhausen stop-motion scene's and the use of miniatures were pioneering in terms of special effects, despite them seeming primitive today, at the time they were cutting edge inspiring a generation of filmmakers.
This movie really is the first man battles CGI monsters hit and that's why the movie continues to enjoy success, despite being over forty years old.
Fighting is out on DVD now.
FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw