- You also worked on the soundtrack for Adulthood back in 2008 and have gone on to star in So what was it like working with Noel Clarke once again?

No it’s cool because Noel is like a guiding light in this acting world for me so he offers a lot of advice and wants me to do well. So it’s very encouraging to have someone, who is already in the industry, to be a friend like that.

- Was another British movie so how have you found working within the British film industry?

The British film industry is cool I really love it and I hope to do a lot more, I’m filming a movie at the moment with Toby Kebbell.

I really enjoy it and it’s definitely building something this side of the water and I think that we need to do that, the UK is a beautiful place and there are a whole host of untapped places that could be used as filming locations for all different styles and stories.

- You have hinted that you are working on The Veteran so can you tell me about that, it’s a great cast with Toby and of course Brian Cox?

I didn’t even say The Veteran but you obviously knew, I just said Toby Kebbell. It’s cool and it’s a lot of fun as well as being the biggest budget that I have worked on so far.

Everyone is really cool on set the director Matthew Hope and Toby have been looking after me and I’m learning off him and really just soaking in the surroundings.

- I suppose The Veteran is a different acting experience with Toby and Brian being so well established so how have you found working with them?

Well working with Toby is good it’s definitely a different challenge because they are more established than people than I have worked with previously.

But it’s good to work with actors like that because you can learn your craft; I think that’s how people become great by working with other great artists so it’s definitely helping me. Also it’s fun to film because I’m playing a really fun character. 

- So are you going to concentrate on a movie career? And where would you like to sees you acting career go?

I don’t think I’d want to concentrate on just acting because I love music and things are going really well so I think I will always continue to make music.

But with the acting I definitely need to keep on developing my skills and I’m happy to play supporting roles at the moment while I learn and get a sense of the craft and just get better and better.

I want to take on more diverse roles and I keep building and I hope to one day write or direct something. But I just want to keep developing as a person and that will hopefully take my acting to the next level.

- What about you music, when can we expect something new from you?

Yeah I have got a new single called Fantasy which will be coming out on the 19th September, it’s got a lot of heat already on it people are feeling it and DJ’s are spinning it, so I’m just excited because everything seems to be in a good place at the moment and everything is going well.

- Finally what’s next for you both music and movie wise?

On the movie front I’m working on The Veteran, I’m still filming I haven’t finished filming that yet, then Fantasy will be out in September and I’m working on a new album as well as a world tour with the Gorillaz.

Shank is out on DVD now.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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