

We looked a one of the more recent Disney projects yesterday but now it's time to reminisce about one of the more older projects.

Bambi is almost seventy years old and yet it remains one of Disney's most loved and cherished movies.

The film follows young deer, Bambi, growing up in the wild after his mother is shot by hunters.

For it's time Bambi was visually striking as Disney used oils instead of watercolours for the backgrounds and they really just leap off the screen - even now the feel of the movie is still so fresh and vibrant.

This really is sophisticated filmmaker in a period where Disney really thrived - many would argue was at it's height - and Bambi really is testament to that as it continues to thrill audiences of all ages even today; it remains one of my faves!

But it's not just for the visuals and the quality of the animation that Bambi is remembered but it was a milestone in children's cinema with the story that told.

Never before had a children's movie depicted the death of a parent as Bambi did back in 1942 as Disney were willing to tackle something a little darker than usual - something for which it was applauded then and admired for now.

Bambi tackled every child's greatest fear, loss of a parent, but it did it with such dignity and delivered a great message that you could still continue despite such a great loss.

However it is not all doom and gloom as Disney once again brought to some bright and colourful characters such as Bambi, Thumpa and Flower in a movie that is as much about friendship as it is about survival.

Bambi remains one of the greatest coming of age movies that has ever been brought to the big screen as we see an innocence that is lost in the blink of an eye.

And the tale of growing up is one that is timeless - and this is the major reason that Bambi remains as successful and popular today as it is a story that every child and relate to.

Bambi remains one of the jewels in Disney's crown as it is still a fantastic fable that is supported with some truly breathtaking animation - that couldn't be bettered today if they tried!

Buy one get one free on over 30 amazing Disney Blu-Ray and DVD titles 26 September - 31 October 2011

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