- Wow

Yeah, exactly. So it was something that I was looking forward to. It was exciting but at the same time nerve wracking because I have only been to one premiere in my life and never anything this big.

But at the premiere the fans were very supportive and of course there were a lot of cheers and it was definitely fun. And it was also great to get the chance to see all of the cast members again.

- I was reading somewhere that you are currently writing your own project - is this true? How much is behind the camera work something that interests you?

Yes it is true. I love writing and I think that if I did move to behind the camera work then it definitely would be writing.

We are now living in a world where anything is possible and you can work on other things on an artistic level - but at the moment I am focusing on writing.

- So how did you get into acting? Is it something that you have always wanted to do?

Actually no. I participated in this robotics competition back in 2006 however I use to be illegal in this country therefore after winning that competition I started doing interviews and they realised that I was illegal - and that caught immediate attention.

I use to be really shy and a friend of mine recommended that I start taking acting classes, which I started doing.

And then I fell in love with acting and I transferred from my engineering degree to my acting degree - which was fun (laughs).

A week after I graduated I moved to Los Angeles and that was two and a half years ago.

- Away from acting you have been working with Project Food Angels so can you tell me a little bit about that?

I started doing that because a friend of mine told me one day there’s this place where we should go that delivers food in Los Angeles and where we can help out.

It became something that I really became interested in and once I had given it a try I was like ’whoa I really want to do more’ plus it keeps me really grounded. So yes I am working with them.

- 2011 is drawing to a close to what movies have you been enjoying this year?

The Help was definitely a movie that I enjoyed watching because the performances were just so amazing.

Another movie that I really enjoyed was Leo’s (DiCaprio) movie J Edgar and Moneyball with Brad Pitt was also great and I am hoping that it receives an Oscar - but we will have to wait and see about that.

- Finally what's next for you?

At the moment, as you know, I am still working on my script as well as dealing with different scripts for acting work - first things first is my acting career.

I also have the robotic season coming up where I will be going to different high schools to talk to students about robots and how we can effect the world of technology and how we can be part of the nation that can lead the world when it comes to technology.

I love to interact with the fans on Facebook and Twitter so I would love them to say hi on Twitter at @amadouLy.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 is out now
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is released 16th November.

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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