3:10 TO Yuma stars Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Ben Foster, Gretchen Mol and Peter Fonda in a thrilling modern take on the classic western by Elmore Leonard from producing/writing/ directing team Cathy Konrad and James Mangold (Walk The Line).In 1800s Arizona the Southern railroad has beeplagued by a vicious gang of murderers and thieves led by nortorious outlaw Ben Wade (Russell Crowe).When Wade is captured civil war veteran Dan Evans (Christian Bale) volunteers to deliver Wade alive to the 3.10 to Yuma, a train that will take Wade to trial.Evan and his family desperately need the money this job will provide as they are struggling to survive of their drought plagued ranch.The journey become violent and fraught with danger and along the way the men earn each other's respect.View our 3:10 to Yuma gallery