Speed bumps are damaging vehicles. Around thirty percent of vehicles fail their annual MOT because of damage to their suspension.
Leaking shock absorbers, broken coil springs and worn steering joints are common casualties of the thousands of speed bumps throughout the UK. Checking the part that has been damaged, how to replace it and avoiding the damage in the first place can be difficult.
Motorists drive for months in death traps not realising they have damaged their suspension until the fault is detected on their annual MOT - in extreme cases they have an accident.
There are some DIY kits out here to show the motorists how to check thier own suspension in about 10 minutes plus a kit designed to prevent damage to their suspension by reducing the impact of speed bumps, as well as pot holes but to the average motorist, who readily admits he/she is no car DIY enthusiast, this rather falls on deaf ears.
So I have devised my own cunning plan to avoid unnecessary damage and it is two prong; either avoid their roads where you know there are speed bumps or quite brilliantly simple, they are pretty big, as are pot holes and we drivers have been gifted with two eyes.
So, when our brain registers an oncoming speed bump or pothole, how about wait for it - slowing down!
That way damage is limited!
Oh, sometimes I do believe I am a genius!
Jackie Violet