Despite a common perception that the traditional spring clean is a relic of the past; it is in fact very much alive and kicking. Research out today has revealed that 60 % of the GB population actually ‘like’ a spring-clean and over half of drivers admit enjoying that ‘feeling’ of having a clean home and car.

Nearly a quarter of a million people even go far to say they get a buzz from it and according to experts, March 31st is officially the best day of the year for the UK population to blow out the cobwebs and blitz their home and car. Help that’s today!

However, despite all good intentions some Brits let the side down and are less than thorough when it comes to cleaning. 34 % of the population hide their clutter or tend to move it from one place to the other and nearly a third do the absolute bare minimum.

Yes I remember those days of spring cleaning, washing all the ornaments, cleaning the silver and rubbing the brass. I even remember washing the car, hovering the inside and blow me, actually cleaning the windows inside and out!

Yes those days BC - Before Children. Luckily I have lots of cupboards to hoard things and I honestly thought the whole idea of storage solutions in cars such as the glove box, was to put all the kids junk and litter in.

I stand corrected.

Jackie Violet