As if the poor storm damaged people have not had enough on their plates, news just in warns buyers of used cars to consider the possible damage caused by recent flash floods before parting with cash for their next set of bargain wheels.
There are fears that a problem, which has become widespread in the United States and Australia, is now beginning to appear in the UK as an increasing number of vehicles coming onto the open market after suffering serious weather- related damage.
Such cars may look fine at first glance, but in many cases the safety and electronic systems can be compromised. So people need to be aware that these cars will be hitting the market anywhere within the UK in the next few months.
Many vehicles, which are damaged by, flood waters, falling trees and windswept debris are repairable even though insurance companies may have written them off as uneconomical to fix.
However, problems arise when the repairs are not carried out properly or the seller wants to hide the fact the car has been damaged in order to negotiate a better price and this is where potential danger looms.
So any person caught up in the storms, with damaged houses and no adequate insurance cover, better not think about trying to flog their car to gain a few pennies. Tempting, as it may seem, hold the thought that if your damaged car did cause an accident, how would you feel?
So despite the misery you are going through, honesty is the best policy..
Jackie Violet