This time of year sees people starting to plan for their spring and summer holidays with many crossing the channel to drive in mainland Europe. But apparently we Brits are quite ignorant on the rules of European Driving except for the fact we have to drive on the wrong side.
For instance did you know that in Germany it is an offence to make rude signs to other road users and an offence to run out of fuel on a motorway? However carrying petrol can in a vehicle in Greece is forbidden.
In Spain and Switzerland if you wear glasses for driving you must carry a spare pair in the car. In Norway there is zero tolerance for drinking and driving and on hilly roads vehicles travelling down hill have priority.
One pearl of wisdom I will share with you is the emergency number is 112 and not 999.
Any advice for Europeans travelling the other way in to the UK? Such things as drive on the correct side, those somewhat funny signs actually do mean something, that the UK requires a taxed, insured and preferably a legal licence holder who can speak a splash of English behind its wheel?
No, not a dickey bird.
Jackie Violet