Motoring breakdowns: Research released today has revealed that, of all the things British drivers fear about breaking down, being left unable to contact anyone to ask for help is the worst.

The survey highlights the nation’s biggest anxieties about their car giving up on them. Nearly 57% agreed that being unable to make a phone call is their greatest worry.

Those surveyed placed this above breaking down alone in the car (4%), in a deserted spot (13%) or without knowing where you are (12%).

The research carried out for M&S car insurance goes on to show that a third of drivers often worry about breaking down when they drive and 2% worry about it every time they get in the car.

Almost 40% of women drivers nominated quiet country roads as the worst location to break down. Yet men felt more concerned about breaking down on a roundabout (30%) – showing they are more concerned about inconvenience than isolation.

The majority of drivers agreed that the worst time to breakdown is late at night (52%) but more than a third of drivers couldn’t bear the thought of getting stuck in the rush hour.

This really surprised me as most drivers carry a mobile phone and any sensible driver would be affiliated to a breakdown recovery service.

I admit I have thought about it, but safe in the knowledge I can call for help and be rescued.

Jackie Violet