Confirming its place as the most comprehensive mileage database available in the UK, HPIâs National Mileage Register (NMR) now contains over 125 million mileage readings - giving car buyers extra assurance when conducting an HPI Check.
It can be difficult to tell how many miles a vehicle has done simply by looking at it and some unscrupulous sellers make it even harder by âclockingâ the odometer. Reducing the mileage on a vehicle can add hundreds, possibly even thousands, to the price of a vehicle. A âclockedâ vehicle could also have additional wear and tear, which could lead to potential faults a lot sooner down the line than a buyer would expect. When buyers purchase their HPI Check, the mileage of the vehicle is automatically cross-referenced against HPIâs extensive National Mileage register, which has grown by a staggering 25 million records since this time last year.
1 in every 12 vehicles checked with HPI shows a discrepancy or inconsistency in a vehicleâs mileage. Whilst upon investigation many inconsistencies are proven innocent, in other cases there is a very clear intention of someone trying to increase the value of the car and deceiving subsequent purchasers.
So make sure you have an HPI check on your new used car. A little peace of mind in todayâs turbulent motoring world goes a long way.
FemaleFirst - Jackie Violet