

We have all thought it but now there is proof. Big Brother really is watching every move we make. That is if you have a GreenRoad device fitted to your car.

This uses a variety of sensors to measure a driver’s speed and manoeuvres. Harsh braking, bad handling and sharp acceleration are all flagged up and displayed to the driver via a small “traffic light” unit on the dash. Do anything abrupt enough to trigger the system and a yellow LED starts to flash. Unsafe manoeuvres get you a red. Good driving is rewarded with a constant green light.

Seven drivers have had GreenRoad in their cars for the past four months. Despite having no consequences, they have all noticed a change in their behaviour behind the wheel.

Along with the in-car display, drivers can check their performance in more detail online. GreenRoad’s little black boxes transmit the sensory information to an online safety centre where drivers can find out exactly why they got that red light earlier. Information is correlated on a trip-by-trip basis and drivers can monitor their progress over an extended period of time. However, not all of the drivers have warmed to the system, which could be a problem for managers of executive fleets looking to juggle a non-business driver’s freedom with their safety; “Once the novelty wore off our drivers weren’t keen on being monitored.

I am not surprised for every mile they make is being recoreded so no sneaking off early on a Friday or a long leisurely lunch on a Wednesday.

Violations of Privacy spring to mind.

Jackie Violet - Female First