

Jewellery? Lingerie? Perfume? All these surly must be in the top three Christmas wish lists?

Apparently not. Would you believe a sat-nav system is top of the wish list in the AA motoring Christmas gift list compiled from a survey of 7,380 AA Populus panel members. A nodding Father Christmas, for the car’s back shelf, was the least most wanted item.

Oh please will someone give me a break! 59% of AA Populus panel members, Britain’s largest motoring opinion panel, say they don’t have a sat-nav but having one comes top of their motoring Christmas gift list.

No it does not! The traditional AA Road Atlas is fourth most popular item just behind a new MOT certificate and ahead of a hands free phone kit.

Ah sensible drivers have seen the light

Also on offer in the AA’s motoring Christmas stocking was a copy of the Highway Code and despite 47% saying they didn’t have a copy in previous AA Populus panel research this item was placed unceremoniously next to the least desired item the nodding Santa.

You see if all motorists had a copy of the Highway Code they would recognise the ‘Danger -Cliff Ahead’ sign from the sat nav as it tries to entice you over the edge. . I rest my case

Jackie Violet Female First