Save Money On Christmas Cards
Now, the smartest of us would have bought our Christmas cards in last year’s sales, but we’re not all bright.
If you need to buy some make sure you do it today, before you know it the first one has dropped through the door.
'Did we send them one last year? It’s from them at No 5... Bloody Christmas.' You say, but no fear! As you already made your card list (aren’t you glad you did this now?)
Start writing because before you know it, you’ll run out and probably need to buy some more. Typical.
To save on stamps (62 stamps will cost you £23.50!) try going for a walk with the kids and posting the cards to the houses in your local area, wrap up warm and let the children run up the paths and post it through the letter boxes.
Some children find this fun as a family task but if your kid would rather sit inside, eat ice-cream and play on the Wii then don’t let this stop you going out and getting the exercise.
A winter evening walk will do wonders for your heart, be kind to it now because it will hate you over Christmas.
Tagged in Christmas