Aquarius: Capture the moment in any way you can today- today is a day you will never want to forget.

What will today bring?

What will today bring?

Pisces: Picture things differently and it will help you be more grateful for what you have today.

Aries: Don’t waffle on and get to the point today- people will lose respect for you if you are indecisive about a pressing issue.

Taurus: Iron out any last problems or details in something today. You will feel better once it’s out of the way.

Gemini: It will be the end of an era for something in your life today. Rather than focusing on what has been, look forward to what is to come.

Cancer: Someone will be up for a fight today- arm yourself accordingly and it will diffuse the situation.

Leo: Today is about crunching numbers- finances in some area of your life need closer attention. Deal with them now before it gets worse.

Virgo: What you will see today is only a snapshot of a much bigger picture- don’t judge- you don’t know the whole story.

Libra: Something will slip through your fingers today- an opportunity missed but there will be others.

Scorpio: Run as fast as you can in the other direction today- someone will try and entice you into something that can only end in disaster.

Sagittarius: Be an integral part of the crew today- it’s important that you all pull together to get something done. It will only work if you all have this mentality.

Capricorn: Snap out of it today- you have been trapped in this mindset for too long and it’s having a negative impact.



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