Aquarius: Put a cap on it today- there is something in your life that is getting out of control and you need to put a stop to it now before it gets any worse.

What will today bring?

What will today bring?

Pisces: Keep something you know under lock and key today- it’s not your information to pass on.

Aries: Be wary of something or someone today that makes you feel uncomfortable- listen to your gut.

Taurus: Stick up for yourself today- someone will try and tarnish your name- clear it up before this untruth spreads.

Gemini: Don’t be a stick in the mud today- try a little adventure- you never know- you might like it!

Cancer: You will feel sorrow or regret about something today- whatever it is has already happened- now all you can do it pick up the pieces.

Leo: Be sure of yourself today before you act. Any uncertainty should put you off going ahead.

Virgo: Something or someone is wearing you down in your life at present. Find a way to distance yourself from it or them to build yourself back up.

Libra: You won’t be able to see the wood for the trees today. In other words, you are so involved with the minor details, you are missing what’s truly important.

Scorpio: Go with what seems logical today- anything else is a gamble.

Sagittarius: Be aware of the things are going on around you today- you can’t afford to be distracted.

Capricorn: Today is an all or nothing day- if you are going to do something- give it your everything or don’t do it at all.

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