Aquarius- You want to be rescued from a situation you aren’t comfortable in today- just remember that you can do the rescuing for yourself. Don’t rely on others to get you out of this tricky spot.

What does your day look like?

What does your day look like?

Pisces- You will be very money focused today- once the necessary conversations are over- try and refocus on something else- money isn’t everything.

Aries- You will feel picked on today by someone senior to you- ignore them for their motivations say more about them than they do you.

Taurus- If someone is seedy towards you today- try not to entertain them as they are just trying to get a reaction from you.

Gemini- You will be very encouraging towards someone else today- perhaps you need to adopt the same enthusiasm for your own pursuits.

Cancer- Something is heating up today but the more extreme it gets, the more you will benefit from staying away from it all.

MORE: Your daily horoscope: 19th May 

Leo- Don’t sweat the small stuff- its not worth your time or your energy- focus on the things that really matter to you.

Virgo- Someone will be cold towards you today- but don’t worry, they will warm up eventually- just give them time and the chance to show you.

Libra- You need to adopt a new approach today because your existing one isn’t working for you. Think outside the box.

Scorpio- Today is about choice so be grateful that you so many options available to you- not everyone does- but be decisive or you will irritate those around you.

Sagittarius- Stick with what and who you know today as it will make you feel more comfortable while change is happening around you.

Capricorn- Today is about being domesticated because your home life needs some attention- so give it your all.

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