Christmas can be a terribly sad time for some. A time when thoughts and memories of loved ones and Christmases past can be uppermost in the minds of those who are bereaved. During the festive period, we are constantly bombarded with messages stating how Christmas is a time to share with friends and family –a sometimes sad reminder of what we have lost.

Remember your loved one
Anything can stir those memories. A hidden card packed away from Christmases past and now found at the back of the decoration box; a favourite item of clothing seen in the shops; or even the reminder of a Christmas tradition which your loved one always did. Whatever the prompt, it can be a tough time. But rest assured there is always somewhere to turn to and things to do to help you cope.
Be Prepared:
Think about what is best for you and your family. Some people will just want to cancel Christmas or maybe do something completely different like volunteering for the day. Others find celebrating as normal is important, or may need to keep going for the sake of children.
Remember A Loved One:
It can help to bring memories of loved ones into the celebrations. You could include a visit to their grave, or a place that was special to them. You may have photos or particular memories which you treasure and look at alone, or share with others.
Look After Yourself:
Christmas can be a time of overindulgence with food and alcohol. Using alcohol to escape the pain of loss only brings temporary relief. Try to keep to regular patterns of sleeping and eating. Get out and enjoy the fresh air, exercise is a great way to relax.
Take Time For You:
Don’t be alarmed if your emotions take over, just take some time for yourself, no one will judge you. Remember there is no right way to grieve, and it is good to share with family and friends. Keep plans flexible and allow yourself to change your mind.
As time passes, Christmas can be a time to focus on memories of good times shared in the past. But it can also be an intensely emotional time. Be kind to yourself, and ask for help if you need it.
If it would help to talk over the festive period, Cruse Bereavement Care’s national helpline will be open over the Christmas 2017 period during the following dates and times.

Cruse Bereavement Care’s National Helpline - 0808 808 1677
Sat 23rd Dec 9:30-5pm
Sun 24th Dec 9:30-5pm
Mon 25th Dec 9:30-8pm
Tues 26th Dec 9:30-8pm
Wed 27th Dec 9:30-8pm
Thursday 28th Dec 9:30-8pm
Friday 29th Dec 9:30-5pm
Sat 30th Dec 9:30-5pm
Sun 31st Dec 9:30-8pm
Mon 1st Jan 9:30-5pm
Normal cover resumes on 2nd January 2018. See website for details
About Cruse
Cruse Bereavement Care is the leading national charity for bereaved people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Cruse offers support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies, and works to enhance society’s care of bereaved people.
Cruse offers face-to-face, telephone and website support. We have a national free phone helpline (0808 808 1677) local services and a website specifically for children and young people (Hope Again). Our services are provided by trained volunteers and are confidential and free. Cruse also provides training and consultancy for external organisations and for those who may come into contact with bereaved people in the course of their work.
Cruse is an independent charity and is always looking for volunteers to man the helpline and donations to ensure this vital service continues. Full training is given.
Tagged in Christmas