The bathroom can be a dumping ground for anything and everything related to the activities carried out in this space but there comes a point where your bathroom cabinets need some respite. Here are some items you can discard now:
Products you haven’t used in a while
If your cupboards are full to bursting with shampoos, conditioners, body washes, creams, sprays and anything else that you haven’t used in a reasonable amount of time- it’s time to donate or give them to a friend or family member. You don’t love them enough to have used them so far, so why keep them?
The bathroom is a place for washing, drying, relieving yourself and brushing your teeth, it is not a place for little trinkets and ornaments. The more clutter you have on your surfaces the harder it is to clean, and this is one area of your home that needs to be squeaky clean. Even if you don’t adopt a minimalistic approach to any other part of your house you would certainly benefit having next to nothing on display in this room.
Old bath toys
If you have a net or box for your children’s favourite bath toys, sort through them and consider what they actually use- anything they are no longer interested in- it’s time to take them to the charity shop.
Old sponges, exfoliators and brushes
If you have a discoloured, mouldy or dingy piece of equipment that’s intended to clean your body- news flash- it will probably make it dirtier. It’s got into such a bad way because you don’t use it so it’s the perfect opportunity to discard.
Old towels and wash cloths
If you are lucky enough to have room for your towels and cloths in your bathroom- take a closer look at them and extract any from the pile that are stained or fraying at the edges. You can cut them up for rags or your local vets will welcome them for when the animals need to stay overnight.
Cleaning products you never use
You may have bought something because it was the latest fad in bathroom cleaning only to find that it didn’t deliver on its promise. Or perhaps you have switched brands or simply reduced the amount of products you use. Whatever your reason for your hoard of cleaning bottles- take out the ones you don’t use and leave only the ones you do. There may be someone who will take these items off your hands in your family or friendship circle. If they are running low- they will be glad to save a few pounds on their next shop.
Old toothbrushes
Finally- any toothbrushes that are over 3 months old. You are supposed to change your toothbrush every quarter according to dentists- so any brushes that exceed this time frame can be used to clean small nooks and crannies from now on and you need to go out and treat yourself to a new one!
MORE: Make-Up: Seven things to declutter now
Tagged in Minimalism Declutter Decluttering