By Emma Brown MSc (Human Nutrition), nutritionist for calorie tracker App Nutracheck

Popcorn has many health benefits

Popcorn has many health benefits

It's fair to say popcorn is the snack of the moment. From gourmet versions to frankly bizarre flavours, there’s something for everyone. So how did the traditional cinema snack reinvent itself to get audience beyond the big screen?

In our every growing quest to shed the pounds we're all looking for a guilt free snack - and popcorn might just be the answer.

It’s low calorie

Plain air-popped popcorn with no added flavours is vastly lower in calories than a packet of crisps or chocolate bar. But even if you choose a flavoured one, you can still get a 20g snack portion for under 90 calories – compared to an average packet of crisps with 130 calories.

It’s low in sat fat

The saturated fat content of flavoured popcorn is only 2-5%, or if you're feeling extra saintly, pretty much zero in unflavoured air-popped popcorn. By comparison crisps are mostly fried, and chocolate bars contain added fats and oils so the saturated fat content is much higher.

It contains fibre

Popcorn is a great source of fibre as it's a wholegrain. A 30g serving contains around 120 calories and provides 10% of your daily fibre needs. The same can't be said for a 200 calorie chocolate bar. Sadly :-/

It’s a crowd pleaser

Whether you have a sweet tooth or prefer your treat to be savoury, popcorn is a low calorie, high fibre, satisfying snack for anyone.

It’s filling

The airy structure of popcorn, plus its high fibre content, make it a more filling snack choice. A small, low calorie portion will satisfy you more than a typical packet of crisps.

It has health benefits

Research has shown that popcorn may actually contain more healthy antioxidants than some fruits and vegetables - in particular polyphenols. Antioxidants can protect our cells against harmful free radicals, which can cause damage. So choosing popcorn over your typical snack of choice can help keep your cells healthy!

It contains nutrients

Popcorn is rich in important nutrients such as iron and B vitamins - more so than an average packet of crisps or chocolate bar. Iron helps us feel energised and B vitamins are important for keeping our body tissues healthy.

It beats spinach

Popcorn contains more iron than spinach - a little known fact I suspect even Popeye didn't know! It's a much richer source than your average snack choice which is great as some people, especially female adolescents, are not getting enough iron each day.

It helps digestion

The fibre in popcorn makes it easy on our gut and good for digestion. Whereas fried snacks can cause gastrointestinal discomfort for some people.

It’s gluten free

Popcorn is naturally gluten free making it a handy snack choice for those needing to follow a gluten free diet. Just be sure to check the ingredients panel on flavoured popcorns in case any added ingredients contain gluten.

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