Handbags are a staple part of our look, not only do they carry around all of our essentials, but they complete an outfit too in most cases.
New research from consumer analysts Mintel shows that a total of 21% of women say they have bought a handbag just to accompany a new outfit from the same store.
And 16 per cent of women who have bought handbags in the last twelve months admit to having bought on impulse.
When it comes to buying fashion accessories, including handbags, it seems most women still cannot resist a bargain, with over half of them motivated by sales or discounts.
It most probably doesn’t help that our favourite stylish celebrities are always carrying around the latest bag trends in the nook of their arm.
To help feed your love for stylish handbags we’ve picked out some beautiful pieces that you can buy now.
Femalefirst Taryn Davies