New research reveals what equates to the perfect shopping trip
A boozy lunch, a new outfit, two friends and a mild, dry day are the ingredients for the perfect girly shopping trip, according to new research.
The study by PromotionalCodes.org.uk asked 360 women between the ages of 18 to 35 a series of questions about what makes a day at the shops perfect.
For over a third of those questioned shopping with two friends was the ideal with 26% saying they’re prefer to shop with three close pals. However 21% said one close mate was all they needed to make the trip perfect.
Saturday was voted as the best day to shop, with half past ten coming out top as the perfect time to start. Only 26% hit the high street earlier with 16% saying 11am was the ideal time for them.
Asked about their journey into the city, 38% preferred to be dropped off by a partner or parent, 28% opted for public transport with 16% driving.
For over half of those questioned, the ideal weather conditions were mild and dry, so no need for a coat or brolly, with 18% preferring a cool and overcast day. A further 18% opted for a hot and sunny day with the remaining two per cent happy to shop in the rain.
The best time for coffee was 11am with 31% of respondents who said the caffeine fuelled pit stop was needed to catch up on any gossip and plan which shops they were heading to first.
The preferred time for lunch was 1.30pm with 34% of those questioned. Only 12% would say no to a glass of wine with their food, with the perfect amount of alcohol being two glasses.
Questioned on their ideal purchases, 96% agreed a complete outfit was a must with 86% saying shoes were high on their wish list. Buying items for the home and garden fell at the bottom with just two per cent saying these items would be on their shopping list.
Asked about the best time to finish the shopping trip, 39% agreed that 5pm was the time to call it a day with over a quarter saying 5.30pm was when they liked to head home.
One shopper said: “Nothing beats a Saturday spent shopping with a couple of my close girlfriends. A coffee break and a couple of glasses of something chilled over lunch are a must and to come away with an amazing outfit tops off a perfect girly day out.”
Another added: “I love to shop and it’s even more fun when I’m with the girls. We get to do our four favourite things – eat, drink, shop and gossip. What could be better?”
A spokesman for PromotionalCodes.org.uk said: “Brits love to shop and certainly know the ingredients for the perfect shopping trip. For many, it seems to be a social get together too – so the chance to spend time with close friends and treat themselves to a few goodies as well. For those we questioned, the perfect way to spend a Saturday.”
Tagged in fashion