We've all suffered from the dreaded laddered tight
We’ve all been there. The ladder in your tights as you’re late to work, the stain on your blouse during a client lunch, the unsightly deodorant streak across your little black dress. With most fashion faux pas, it’s not a matter of if, but when…
To help avoid those little Oooops moments, lights by TENA have come up with some ‘quick-fix’ tips to solve even the peskiest of fashion emergencies.
1. Ladder in your tights?
Clear nail polish can be a real lifesaver when it comes to keeping a hole in your tights from getting bigger and bigger. In fact, our recent lights by TENA survey found that 70 per cent of women use their varnish to do just this – and who are we to argue with the masses?
To prevent a small ladder becoming a stairway to heaven, dab a little polish on either end of the run to keep it firmly in place.
2. Scuffed your shoes?
Gone are the days your parents would anguish over the state of your new school shoes, but after one haphazard stumble, your expensive new heels could be in the same state as your long-lost Mary-Jane’s.
If you’re one of the 38 per cent of women who have got their heel stuck in a grate or pavement, carrying a small tin of petroleum jelly could help rescue your shoes. Rubbing your shoes with a little bit of jelly will fix up patent leather shoes in a flash and make them shine like new.
3. Lipstick on your teeth?
Food, lipstick, red wine stains – teeth are a continuous source of potential embarrassment. No one enjoys nipping to the loo to find they have been sporting an unsightly mark on their incisor all evening. After all, 17 per cent of women admit they have plastered lipstick across their teeth without anyone telling them.
Stealing a quick peek in a pocket mirror after eating, drinking or when applying lipstick will ensure your smile remains dazzling all night long.
4. Food on your clothes?
There is nothing worse than throwing your lunch down your front, but you’re not alone. Over half of women we surveyed have left the house with a stain on their clothes without realising.
Eat your treats with confidence, safe in the knowledge that you have emergency wipes and tissues for a speedy clean-up. Use a moist wipe to quickly cleanse the area, using water to rinse as necessary. Use a tissue to soak up any additional liquid and leave to air-dry.
5. Light bladder weakness?
It happens to 29 per cent of us when we laugh, 16 per cent of us when we exercise and 48 per cent of us when we simply cough or sneeze. What are we talking about? Those unexpected little leaks which are just, well, part of being a woman.
Light bladder weakness is more common than you might think, in fact, one in two women will experience these little Oooops moments.
Thankfully, lights by TENA absorb more and absorb faster than regular panty liners, offering the ultimate security and protection. Pop a single-wrapped liner in your bag as you head out the door to ensure you feel fresh and dry all day long.
6. And for everything else?
Everyone has many moods, and ruining a favourite piece of clothing can put you on a real downer. While chocolate may not fix everything, it’s certainly helps soften the blow.
For an instant pick-me-up, hide a generous bar in your desk at work. Take five minutes to give your mind a rest, sneak a square, and relax.
Tagged in fashion tips