Kate Beckinsale shows off some incredible footwear

Kate Beckinsale shows off some incredible footwear

High heels can be tough on feet, but no matter what footwear you’re rocking this summer, there’s help to keep you walking tall.

Camilla Morton, author of How to Walk in High Heels, has worked with Compeed to write the Happy Feet 10 Commandments that will ensure your feet are as fabulous as your shoes:

1. Variety is the spice of life – vary your look and your footwear

2. Ditch the heels at midnight – try to take heels off before they take off a layer of skin

3. Rules are made to be broken – have you tried ballet pumps or biker boots with a black tie, and who says house work can’t be done in high heels?

4. Practice makes perfect – sign up for dance classes to work on those turns or use a supermarket trolley as your stabilizer and take those new shoes for a spin

5. Don’t wear one style until it wears out – or your feet will do likewise

6. The shoe must fit – never shop with tired, swollen or wounded feet – window shop online until your feet have forgiven you

7. Don’t be a fashion victim – shoes need construction and heels but also consider comfort

8. Only wear abstract inventions if you have insurance or are seated

9. Classic health work best for a reason – love your feet and they will love you

10. There is no such things as having too many shoes

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