How often do you wash your bra?
Apparently Dame Vivienne Westwood wasn't alone when she admitted that she never washes her bras, as a new survey has revealed that British women only wash theirs six times a year!
Stain experts Dr. Beckmann, the company behind Lingerie Whitener, conducted extensive research among 2,025 female customers into their bad bra washing habits.
The evidence reveals the average British woman wears her bra an astonishing seven times, which equates to roughly two months, before washing it.
According to the research, the average number of bras owned by British women is 15, and they spend an average of £2,700 on bras in their lifetime.
The most popular colour of bra in the UK is white (55%), followed by coloured (27%) then black, (18%) revealing that women prefer that crisp, clean look, but it doesn’t last long.
Apparently the research also reveals the most common stains found on dirty bras are stale perfume, body lotion, fake tan and sweat.
Dr Beckmann's Lesley Naylor explains: "The problem is that this lack of washing means that bras look tatty, grey and dirty which obviously doesn’t look good but is also far from advantageous for the life of the bra."
Lesley added: "The extra dirt is clearly not good for the wearer’s skin as bras are fitted snug to the chest and this build up of bacteria can create irritation.
"Dirty bras could become a thing of the past if British women washed them more regularly and maintained them every few months-this would also prolong the life of the bra."
Tagged in bra