Becca Dudley was looking stylish at the Clothes Show Live
How excited are you to be at the Clothes Show Live this year?
Super excited, I used to come here all of the time when I was younger so it’s quite surreal to be honest.
I’m going to be on stage every hour and 15 to introduce the show and the band. It’s been really fun so far.
A lot of girls go to Clothes Show Live and get scouted by modelling agencies, what sort of tips would you give them?
I really wish I had been given some tips when I first started modelling really, as you have to be mentally quite strong. You’ll have people telling you that you’re not good enough, you don’t look right for something and you have to go in prepared and not think that everyone is going to praise you.
It’s important to know that it’s not such a glamorous job, it’s fun, but I think people expect glamorous, flashing lights career but there’s some really difficult parts to it. It’s important that you’re ready and level-headed so you won’t be knocked down.
How did you start modelling?
I tried to get into modelling when I was about 17, I had braces, I was super skinny and really weird looking and I was only about 5foot 7, I went to a couple of agencies who really liked me but said I was too short. So I just kind of gave up after that. Then a couple of years later I got scouted by Nevs modelling agency, I was having lunch on my break whilst I was working at All Saints and a photographer came and sat next to me and kept on looking at me, I was trying to eat my lunch and I was thinking ‘who is this freak who is staring at me?’, but he was like ‘Don’t worry I’m gay, and I just wanted to tell you that you have a really great look and you should get into modelling’. And it just all started from there really, about four years ago.
You’re also presenting with MTV at the moment, how is that going?
It’s awesome. It’s like the best job ever. I’ve been doing it just over a year now and it’s still really fun.
What’s been the most exciting thing you’ve gotten to do with MTV?
The European Music Awards is always a great experience, I went last year in my first month of being at MTV with no presenting experience what-so-ever, I think that was definitely a highlight. I love the fast-paced energy that there is on the red carpet, that’s always fun.
Were you all quite worried about Miley Cyrus might do?
(Laughs) Yes. I was quite impressed though, for her performance she just sang and it was amazing that she didn’t have to do the whole charade and the performance it was all about her and her voice.
You’re a woman of many talents, styling, modelling, presenting etc… If you could one choose one path to go down what would it be?
I guess it would presenting and then DJing close second. I think it would be really fun to be a superstar DJ, travelling around the world. But then I love presenting because I love the challenge, the people that you meet and the different places you get to go.
MTV has helped to launch some amazing careers, what sort of career path are you looking to take?
I think I want to go in the direction that I’m heading, I don’t have a set plan right now. I still feel like I’m really new to it so I’m just trying to see what I’m good at and not good at. I definitely want to have a long career in presenting and always have fashion options there, maybe a column in a magazine, a collaboration with a fashion brand. I have a few aspirations, but nothing is set in stone.
You work as both a stylist behind the camera and a model in front, does that help you when you’re working on certain jobs?
It really does actually, because you have an eye for things. If I’m in front of the camera, I make sure there are no creases and you kind of know how the pose will look good from the stylists point of view and the models as well.
What fashion tips do you have for dressing up at Christmas?
It’s all about sparkles for me at Christmas. You don’t have to wear all of the red and green that is considered festive. I like a nice sequinned jacket or a top. Personally if I was going to a Christmas party I would wear a pair of tight black leather trousers, a black sheer blouse, a sparkly jacket and a big hat.
What’s on your Christmas wishlist?
I asked my parents for a map. I think it will look really nice on my wall and it’ll be nice to have something to refer to. And there’s literally nothing exciting that I’ve asked for.
For anybody that hasn’t been the Clothes Show Live, why should they come?
I think it’s great to come because you get a little taste of everything, you get the shopping experience, the beauty experience, you can get involved in workshops, interviews on stage and then of course you’ve got the massive main show in the Alcatel One Touch theatre too. It’s just a really impressive show that everyone should check out.
Tagged in fashion clothes show live