The Chanel Union Jack Handbag...yes please!

The Chanel Union Jack Handbag...yes please!

So sit back, relax and let us bring you the latest in handbag trends that will have you drooling all the way to the high street.

2011 is the year of the satchel handbag. With its cool, straight line shape and unlimited styles and sizes it has so much to offer its wearer, no matter your style and trend - there is something out there for you.

Not only does this particular style of bag look professional enough to be an office accessory, but it can also be used to brighten up and tone up any outfit depending on the one you chose.

Their vintage appearance and edgy lines also look great with most outfits from block colour to linear patterns, it has a certain school girl youth that we all love without making you look like a school girl.

What a cutie this cream stachel with the little bow design is. You can just see a little baby doll outfit and flat ballet shoes being the perfect little outfit to sit this shoulder stachel across.

Whether you're hitting the shops, going to a meeting or just looking for a new bag for your collection - this is a great addition to make.

£30 available from Topshop

This satchel(right) available from Topshop for £40 is a sturdy looking thing and is perfect for all those office folders.

Wear it over your body or sling in over your lower arm, this is a grown up bag with an old-school hint to it.

I love this Warehouse satchel! The chunky buckle design and colour will stand out against any outfit and enhance it.

Wear this bag with a crisp, white shirt and either smart trousers or baggy-ish jeans with flats and this screams style.

Available from ASOS £65

 How retro and vintage in this lovely rich satchel. The simple design make it brilliant for an office for all you essential documents, smart phones and ipads...and can double up as a leather weekend bag and be the perfect addition to any simple outfit.

Available from ASOS £45

Light, bright, cute and ditsy...what more could you ask of a spring and summer handbag.

The soft colour and material is perfect for all those summer dresses without losing its practicality with strong handles/straps and patent leather designs. £39.99 from River Island.

This creamy, quilted bag has the potential to be a little more dressy and offer you a little more wear for you money.

The chain design and different buckle give the bag a little decoration, but still keep the stylish satchel we're all loving at the moment.

Available from River Island £29.99 - BARGAIN ALERT

FemaleFirst Jenna Fordie

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