Christmas Presents Aren't All Great!
We understand how you're feeling right now, we really do. Because every Christmas, we all have to pretend to love every present we receive, be it a misshapen wooly jumper, a pointless pair of mouldy socks or a horrendous pair of corduroy trousers.
Around this time on Christmas day, we're all left feeling a little deflated, because amongst the nice and fashionable gifts we've received there is one of two really crappy presents too.
Now you can smile and fake happiness all you like, but come January, you'll be left with a load of gifts that you don't want and no new space in your wardrobe to fill up on New Year sales.
Well, it is the season for giving after all, so why not give some of your things to charity? It may seem a bit harsh, but one women's trash can be another women's treasure, so someone may be in need of corduroy's - you never know!
While you're there as well, feel free to shop around for a vintage find or two to perk yourself up, after all you've had a very stressful Christmas day so far.
Next, to get rid of those horrible socks simply take some scissors and snip some holes into the toe area. When you come to put them on, make a big song and dance about the fact your big toe is sticking out and leave your relative looking puzzled.
To get out of wearing your new jumper, simply wash it on a very high heat, take it out and make every effort to wear it in front of said relative that has inflicted it on you.
When you struggle to pull it over your head and it barely comes up to your boobs, you can fake amazement and disappointment, while getting rid of a foul jumper and not upsetting anyone. Genius!
Anything that is far too young for you, i.e. dodgy make-up sets you can either give away to your neighbours' children, or keep them for fancy dress and Halloween parties, when stupid make-up always comes in handy.
Merry Christmas!