Chanel Cruise Collection 09/10

Chanel Cruise Collection 09/10

Ok, we'll admit it, we're a little obsessed with Chanel- but can you really blame us?!

After a stunning AW09 collection in Paris, Lagerfeld then worked his magic once again to present a gorgeous Cruise range to Venice earlier this month.

Now when we say gorgeous, we mean jaw-droppingly so and could wholeheartedly picture ourselves in 17th century capes, glittering tunics and the orange tights on display for the summer months ahead.

It may be a little out of our price range, but that doesn't mean we can't drool over the fabulous designs now does it?!

Chanel seem to set the standard each season for exquisitely elegant clothes that don't date, look amazing whatever season you wear them in, and are just so darn cool you wonder how anyone can even dare to compete.

Their Cruise 2010 collection really was one of their best to date; we loved the OTT wigs and make-up, 1930s inspired fashion and crazy triangle shaped hats, as the 78 strong range really held its own against its predecessors.

Here's some of our fave looks from the collection, which we think will be big news this summer...

FemaleFirst- Laura Terry